Thursday, October 16, 2008

Well it flu season again. Seems a bit early this year but to much dismay it is here. In my house 4 out of the 5 have had it and 4 of my 6 daycare kids either had it or have it now. Its the stomach flu. Jaden and Larry got over it in 1 day but Mariah and Ashton took almost a week. Today was the first day we had NO vomiting. So I am celebrating by going to my MOPS group tonight. Should be fun!!


Neisha said...

ugh, I don't even want to think of flu season! we all got hit hard last year. bad memories, yuck

Neisha said...

cute background!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like our house!!! We had the same thing here. Every 2 days someone else was sick and then we started over. Luckily, we didn't get past one person the 2nd time around! UGGGH!! I think I did 8 loads of laundry in 3 days!

ShareandRemember said...

Wow, you had that already? Hopefully you're done for the year now. We've had colds & ear infections (dckids but not Brett) so we've been lucky so far. I'm sure it's coming, usually about 1st of January for us.