Sunday, December 21, 2008

It is hard to believe that my baby is 2 already. We took him out of his crib and put in a twin bed in Jaden's room. We thought this would be a good time to have Jaden adjust to it over the holiday break. So far things are going pretty good. Ashton need some time to learn that once you are in bed you stay there. Anyway-Ashton had 2 parties. One with G & G Clausen and the other at home with G& Papa Hehenberger. What a lucky kid! Thanks to everyone for the b-day gifts!


Neisha said...

my baby is 4 and I really need another one to hold.

Heather said...

Happy (belated)2nd to Ashton!! I know how you feel, my baby is 2 already too! I'm trying to deny that she's ready to move to a big kid bed, (I don't know if I'm ready...) she keeps proving it to us by climbing out of the crib!

Heather S said...

How did you make that "photo box"? It's a cute way to group a bunch of pics together!

clausen family said... I love it!!